About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Caderno Virtual de Turismo (CVT) is published since 2001 by LTDS - http://www.ltds.ufrj.br/ - the Laboratory Technologies, Dialogues and Sites of the Production Engineering Program of COPPE/UFRJ, coordinated by chief editor Prof. Roberto Bartholo.

Over the years, CVT became an increasingly important vector in the debate regarding the relationship between tourism and social development in Brazil, projecting the notion of community-based tourism both in the academic sphere and public policies. CVT is a pioneer in its dialogical approach to the relationship between community-based tourism and local development, welcoming contributions from researchers from different academic backgrounds and establishing a space for dialogue between the field of tourism, heritage, and situated development.

Peer Review Process

Peer Review Process

The evaluation process is based on the concept of double blind peer-review, and all reviewers  have a PhD.


CVT has a scientific committee gathering national and international reviewers, specialists in the areas of tourism, heritage, and situated development.

Click here to access the list of evaluators

For those interested in joining our Scientific Committee
To be part of our evaluation committee, it is necessary that the researcher meets the following criteria:

• have a doctor's degree in any field;
• have publications and research related to the topic of  tourism, heritage, and situated development.
• If you are interested in participating in our evaluation committee, please send an e-mail to periodicocvt@gmail.com informing your interest. The link to the candidate’s Lattes or CV curriculum must be added in the body of the message, so the editors can analyse the researcher's curriculum.

Evaluation process

Texts sent to the CVT go through three assessment stages. The first stage is a desk review carried out by the Executive Editor with the help of its editorial assistants, aiming to frame the text submitted to the following formatting and thematic framing criteria, presented at <https://www.ivt.coppe.ufrj.br/caderno/about/submissions  > 

The first stage concludes with an editorial decision taken by the Executive Editors, which may be: (1) forwarding the submission for peer review; (2) or requesting the author to review the text, adapting it to the journal’s criteria; (3) or submission rejection.

In the second stage,  external reviewers, all with doctorate degrees and recognized experience in the thematic area of ​​the submitted text, are appointed by the Editor in Chief and the Scientific Editor (with the assistance of the Associated Scientific editors) as evaluators of the submissions approved in the first stage.

In the third stage, submissions undergo double-blind review according to the following criteria:

  • Adequacy to the magazine’s editorial focus and scope
  • Quality of the text language;
  • Currentness and relevance of the topic;
  • Clarity of the work's objective;
  • Consistency of references used in theoretical development;
  • Clarity and consistency of the methodological procedures adopted in the research;
  • Clarity and consistency of analysis and interpretation of results; 
  • Scientific contribution and impact of the article.

Evaluators follow a standard evaluation form made available through the submission system. Authors' access to the editorial decision that may be taken also takes place through the submission system as soon as there is a conclusive opinion. In case of conflicting opinions, a third evaluator is called.

There are four possible outcomes for assessments:

1) Full acceptance without restrictions;

2) Acceptance with small changes;

3) Acceptance subject to profound changes and new submission to evaluators;

4) Rejection

In the case of acceptance with small changes, there is no need to return the submission to the evaluators. Checking compliance with requests is carried out by the chief editor together with the executive editor.

In the case of acceptance subject to profound changes, the text, once revised by the authors, is resubmitted for a new evaluation to be carried out by the same evaluators. In this case, approval will only be granted if there is consensus between the two evaluators. If there is no consensus, a third evaluator is called.

Every accepted article enters the editorial process for inclusion in a future edition of the magazine, going through the review, layout and publication stages carried out by the executive editor.

Evaluation time

The received texts are placed in a queue for evaluation. The texts that have been in the queue for the longest time will have priority in the evaluation.

The estimated peer review time is 90 days.

The editorial evaluation process is conducted as follows: the editors send an invitation to the evaluator, considering the subject of interest to the evaluator and the subject of the submitted text. The evaluator can accept or reject the invitation. By accepting the invitation, the evaluation form is made available, which must be completed and made available to the authors together with the editorial decision.


Full texts already published in event proceedings are not accepted for evaluation, unless they are specifically indicated in the Fast Track process of the event.

Publication Frequency

CVT is a tri-annual journal – 3 issues are published per year.

Open Access Policy

CVT offers free access to its content, following the principle of the Open Access initiative, and does not charge authors fees at any stage of the editorial process.


QUALIS CAPES - A4 in the areas of Public and Business Administration, Accounting, and Tourism; Architecture, Urbanism, and Design; and Political Science and International Relations - https://sucupira.capes.gov.br

GOOGLE SCHOLAR - https://scholar.google.com


WorldCat.org - https://www.worldcat.org

DOAJ - https://doaj.org

LATINDEX - https://www.latindex.org

EBSCO - https://www.ebsco.com 

ROAD - https://road.issn.org

SUMNARIOS.ORG - https://sumarios.org 

PERIÓDICOS CAPES - https://www.periodicos.capes.gov.br

SPELL - http://www.spell.org.br 

EZB ( Eletronic Journals library) - https://ezb.ur.de

Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics spells out the basic principles that guide all its members and partners that are part of the scientific certification and publication processes – authors, reviewers, editors, members of the editorial board, members of the scientific committee, translators, editorial staff etc. – and presents the Policy and Procedures for Violation of the Code of Ethics and bad ethical conduct.

In order to be a part and play any role in the process of scientific publication, one must agree to the principles of this Code of Ethics, as listed below, and act as a reference in terms of ethical conduct and integrity.



  • Guarantee integrity of the data presented in their article.
  • Confirm the authenticity and originality of their article.
  • Certify that their article contains appropriate citations and properly identifies third party source material.
  • State that their article does not contain any slanderous or defamatory statements and does not infringe on any third party intellectual property, commercial or industrial rights.
  • Guarantee that their article is not currently submitted for evaluation by any another periodical.
  • Declare any potential conflicts of interest that may be caused by their article.
  • Will immediately notify the editor about any errors in the article and contribute to their immediate correction, whether before publication and/or through an errata in case the error is identified after publication.
  • The submitting author, who is the main author of the article, declares that all the authors who have signed the work to be published have made effective contributions to its creation and preparation.

The Chief Editor

  • Assures that ethical conduct is followed in all processes involving submission, double-blind review and publication of articles.
  • Guarantees integrity, impartiality, confidentiality and transparency in the scientific certification for submitted articles.
  • Guarantees quality, originality, rigor, coherence, and diversity of thought in the works approved for publication.
  • Guarantees ethical conduct, integrity, impartiality, transparency and agility in communicating with the various actors involved in submission, evaluation and publication processes.
  • Assures that the periodical will contribute to the advancement of knowledge.
  • Vouches for the periodical’s viability and development together with the scientific, academic and business communities.
  • Will make every effort to constantly improve the journal.
  • Will establish and manage conflict of interest policies for the various actors who participate in the scientific certification and publication process.
  • Will define and put in place preventive policies and sanctions in situations involving bad ethical conduct.

Members of the Editorial Board

  • Assure that the chief editor, members of the editorial staff, the editorial board, the scientific editorial board, and ad hoc reviewers are aware of their roles as promoters, defenders and followers of this Code of Ethics, to which they must adhere.
  • Assure ethical conduct in all periodical processes involving submission, double-blind review and publication.
  • Assure integrity, impartiality, confidentiality and transparency in the scientific certification process for submitted articles.
  • Assure ethical conduct, integrity, impartiality, transparency and agility in communicating with the various actors involved in the processes of submitting, evaluating and publishing articles.
  • Will establish and manage policies regarding conflicts of interest among the many actors who participate in the periodical’s scientific certification and publication processes.
  • Will define and put into practice policies to prevent and institute sanctions in cases of bad ethical conduct.
  • Protect and preserve intellectual property rights.
  • Will reinforce, along with the academic scientific community, the practice of ethical conduct in all journal processes involving submission, double-blind review and publication of articles.
  • Will not use, under any circumstances, privileged information to which they have access to as members of the Editorial Board.
  • Will alert the editor-in-chief about possible conflicts of interest that could harm the integrity of their actions as members of the journal’s Editorial Board.

Members of the Editorial Team

  • State that ethical conduct has been followed in all processes involving submission, double-blind review and publication of articles.
  • Guarantee a high standard of ethical conduct, integrity, impartiality, transparency and agility in communicating with the various actors involved in the processes of submission, evaluation and publication.
  • Will immediately alert the editor-in-chief about possible conflicts of interest that could harm the integrity of their actions as members of the journal’s Editorial Staff.

Members of the Scientific Committee

  • State that ethical conduct has been followed in all processes involving the review and scientific certification for submitted articles.
  • Will alert the editor-in-chief about similar published or submitted works and/or any other information relevant to adhering to this publication’s ethical standards.
  • Assure confidentiality, impartiality and integrity in evaluating the article.
  • Will not use, under any circumstances, privileged information that they have access to as members of the Scientific Committee.
  • Will recommend suitable active reviewers with experience directly related to the specific area of the submitted article.
  • State that they will contribute effectively to the improvement of the paper, stimulating reviewers to be critical, offering suggestions for improvement and complementing their respective reviews.
  • Will respect the timeframe for the evaluation as agreed with the editor.
  • Will alert the editor-in-chief about any possible conflicts of interest that would harm the integrity of the evaluation process.

Ad hoc reviewers

  • Will act as a reference for ethical conduct and integrity.
  • Assure confidentiality, impartiality and integrity in the evaluation of articles.
  • Will not use, under any circumstances, privileged information to which they have access as a reviewer.
  • Promise to contribute to the effective improvement of the paper, with critical and constructive reviews.
  • Will respect the timeframe for the evaluation as agreed with the editor
  • Will alert the editor about any possible conflicts of interest that could harm the integrity of the evaluation process.
  • Will alert the editor about any similar published or submitted works.

CVT commits to contributing to the protection of authors’ intellectual property rights. Therefore, the journal:

This Code of Ethics follows policies established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for instances of bad ethical conduct:

  • Suspicion of duplicate publication
  • Suspicion of similarity
  • Suspicion of data falsification
  • Alterations in authorship (inclusion/exclusion)
  • Suspicions regarding authorship (“guest”, “gift” or ghostwriting)
  • Suspicion of undeclared conflicts of interest on the author’s part
  • Suspicion of ethical issues in a submitted article
  • Suspicion of inappropriate use of information by reviewers

CVT is committed to publishing corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed.

All papers submitted to CVT will be verified for similarities through a similarity identification software.

The Journal follows international guidelines regarding plagiarism. All forms of plagiarism will be absolutely rejected, and only papers whose authors guarantee originality may be published.

Editors will always consider the possibility of self-plagiarism, giving recommendations to authors when suitable.

Any author who submits a partially or totally plagiarized paper will be permanently banned from the Journal and from making new submissions. This decision will be communicated to the author and a right of reply will be granted to them.

Editors will certify, when suitable, that all research related to published articles has been approved by an appropriate body (e.g. research ethics committee, institutional review board) and/or carried out according to relevant internationally accepted guidelines (e.g. the AERA and BERA guidelines for educational research).

Journal History

Caderno Virtual de Turismo - CVT was founded in 2001 as a vehicle for the scientific production of researchers linked to the Virtual Tourism Institute of Rio de Janeiro, a project coordinated by  Laboratory Technologies, Dialogues and Sites (LTDS) and funded by FAPERJ, aimed at consolidating a collaborative research network in tourism, heritage and social development.

In 2006, the first version of the Electronic System for Journal Publishing (SEER) was implemented, made available by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), leading to the reformulation of the editorial flow. CVT was the first Brazilian journal in the field of tourism, heritage and social development to adopt the Open Access system for content proposed by the Canadian Public Knowledge Project, at the University of British Columbia.

The qualification of its editorial processes has been based, since 2007, on the double-blind peer review system. After searching for fitting professionals in the CNPq database, a body of reviewers was selected. In the same year, the editorial committee was expanded, with the incorporation of international researchers.

In subsequent years, CVT was registered in databases dedicated to open access journals, expanding its inclusion in reputable national and international indexes. As of 2011, CVT has adopted the new version of SEER, with all communication between editor, reviewers, layout designers and authors being carried out within the system.

Since 2016 CVT has had the support of the IABS in its editorial production, adding to previous partnerships maintained since its creation, with partners such as the Postgraduate Program in Tourism of the Fluminense Federal University (PPGTur/UFF), the Department of Tourism and Heritage (DETUR) at the Federal University of the State of Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO), and researchers from the Department of Administration and Tourism (DAT) and the Graduate Program of Practices in Sustainable Development (PPGPDS) at the Federal University Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ).

In several periods of its history, CVT had financial support through FAPERJ public notices.